Tuesday gave me my first posse. I went along with my Aunt to my younger cousin's field trip to Pembrey Country Park. Its right on the coast, so I was able to finally see the sea up close. Even though it was very sunny on the beach, two sweaters were necessary. The wind was so strong that the people flying kites had absolutely no problem. I am glad that my hair was up in a bun, otherwise I would have had to cut out all of the knots.

I was able to see my first jelly fish. I accidentally stepped on one and it was all squishy. There were many shells of all different shapes, sizes and colors. And there were these cool seaweeds that had a bunch of bubbly parts to them. One boy found a flag that had washed up onto shore that had so much seaweed or some other green thing growing all over it.

We next went to see the sand dunes and were taught about the effects of introducing foreign plants. The sand dunes have been taken over by sea buckthorn. I thought that amusing because I know that a lot of our forests are being taken over by buckthorn as well. When will people learn? Just like the rabbits in Australia.
The park had lots of open fields and a big playground. I have been so tired lately that I have been taking naps whenever I have the opportunity. I fell asleep in a far off grassy corner of the playground. I was so tired that I fell asleep right away to the lullaby of screaming excited children, and I did not even realize that I had about 6 girls sitting around me.
These girls are the aforementioned posse. They were all Year 4, and were calling me "Erika from America". The way that they say it has a nice ring to it, I must say. Well they all crowded around me and squabbled about who got to hold my hand, who could wrap their arms around me, who could sit next to me or on my lap and so on. It was very funny if a bit tiring. By the last two hours, (we were there about 5 and a half) I constantly had at least two girls firmly attached to me.
At least it was a nice and sunny day for the most part. It rained a couple times, but we either went under trees, or went to the inside area. We got ice cream, and I got a coffee as well. I watched the kids play cricket, a sport that I still do not understand. We took a coach ride back with a girl on either side of me.
I had loads of fun. Pictures later!

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