After making a few inquiries with my aunt, I have learned that I have forgotten nothing. Friday was a lazy day where I got to sleep in and read. I mentioned a few posts ago that I am sick. I am finally recuperating, and Friday helped a lot. It stopped raining in the evening long enough for me, my uncle and my older uncle to go on a walk before dinner. It was very fun. My uncle led us to the town cementary and we spent a fair amount of time wandering around and looking for his ancestors graves.
Each gravestone had several names on it and I wondered how there could possibly be enough room for every one listed. The headstones were spaced apart just enough to let one coffin barely fit, and no way could three or four even consider fitting. I asked my uncle to explain this and promptly wished that I hadn't. I am used to Lakewood, a cementary with so much space. The UK on the other hand is very pressed for space, and with some gravestones from the 1800's, the people did not want to waste space like we do.
The graves have not one coffin in them, but rather three or four stacked on top of each other. As each new person was added to the gravestone, the grave was dug up and a new coffin was placed on top. My uncle said that thats why most cementaries are raised above the road because there are so many bodies in them. The ground is full of the deceased. EWWW. I think that I rather prefer our method.
On the way back my uncle teased that me and my cousin were going very slowly. To make some sort of point I decided to run the rest of the way home. I got my cousin to join in and he did quite well considering that he is not very active. Even though we were running, my uncle almost beat us to the house because he took a short cut that I was unaware of. Not fair. My cousin and I have decided to start running which is good for both of us. Its so rainy most of the time that one does not feel like going for an invigorating run. Lets see how this plays out.
Saturday was extremely busy. In the morning was puppet practice. I had no idea exactly what this meant before I went to the practice. The people in the group, mostly kids, use muppets to tell a story that is prerecorded. Kind of like lip synching, but so much cooler. They gave me a little performance at the end and it was awesome. There was one girl that was able to manipulate the puppet brilliantly. It seemed like the puppet really was talking and dancing around. I wish I was here to see a performance, but that is not till the New Year.
The church that my aunt goes to is very old by my standards as it is over 150 years old. As it is so old, it is also very cold in the morning. The walls are so thick and built with stone that it takes forever to warm up. The ceiling is very high up which I think contributes to the cold.
My uncle then picked me and my older cousin up while my aunt and my younger cousin went to gymnastics. Us older ones (excluding my aunt) went for a great bike ride. As the path we went on is along the coast, the headwind we experienced was severe. I was looking forward to the ride back when we went with it instead of against it.
What I was not expecting was that on the way back there would be a huge sponsored bike ride. Oh, excuse me, cycle ride. Haha. People were dressed in the most ridiculous costumes. There were a group of guys in only togas and thongs. How I know that one of the guys was wearing only a red thong between him and his bike seat is not something that I wish to recall. Basically, I did not need to see that much of a rather hairy rear end.
The big problem with this sponsored ride is that they were completely taking up the path. Excuse me's went no where. I quickly got separated from my cousin and uncle. I was stuck for a long time behind this large group of people who would not let my pass. I couldn't go on the grass either because the sides were hills and I am not that confident with my biking skills. Finally I saw an opportunity to pass and said politely, "On your left" as I am accustomed to doing at home. While I managed to fit through, I was yelled at and mocked. Really, is that necessary? Cries of "On your right, On your right" and gales of mean laughter followed me as I tried to catch up to my cousin and uncle. GRR.
I finally found my cousin who had assumed that I was ahead of him. We stuck together, and it was a very, very long time until we caught up to my uncle. At least the way was mostly straight forward so we did not have to worry much about getting lost. By the time we got home I was very sore. I am used to my very comfy seat. This was a less then comfy seat that left me chafed and aching. Ouch.
We made it home in time to go back to church, this time for a leaving service for one of their ministers/preachers. It was a nice service, but the cookies (biscuits) and tea afterward was even nicer. I was able to meet a lot of my aunt's friends which was really nice. We got home where I went straight to bed. I had a nice 45 minute nap only to get ready to leave again. We went to a barbecue at a friend's house.
The father is a gardener?landscaper? well something to do with plants, and he had an amazing yard. Most of it was filled with plants that he uses in his job, but it was all layed out so well. Dad, you would have been very jealous. There was a greenhouse, a gazebo, and an open area in addition to a beautiful garden.
The food that followed a wonderful conversation was incredible. YUM. I have yet to have had a not so good meal since I have arrived. I am lucky in knowing people that cook so well. I am proud to say that the meat only got grilled because of my fire efforts. I built the fire up from its smoking smoldering origins and brought it to lovely coals. I love fire.

We had homemade hamburgers and homemade sausages. I am usually not a huge fan of sausages but these were a delight to eat, if a bit hot. But that was my fault for not waiting for it to cool down. There were all sorts of veggies and other miscellaneous appetizer type food to complete the meal. My stomach is still happy.
We all were having such a fun time that we did not get back home till almost midnight. The boys had been behaving themselves very well even though it was way past their bedtime. They get along very well with the son of the people whose house we were at. Today though the boys were a bit cranky and short with patience from their lack of sleep.
My younger cousin has a habit (one that I do not mind) of coming in the study (also known as my bedroom) at some early hours of the morning and playing runescape online. He does his best to be quiet, and I go back to sleep easily. He comes in, I wake up, attempt to make some form of a hello but only manage a grunt, fall back to sleep, and then wake every once in awhile if he makes some noise. We have this system down.
Well, this is getting long, its late for me, and I am almost caught up. I think that I am allowed to finish catching up tomorrow. I will post those pictures tonight hopefully.
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