Classes are going well, even if I am a bit annoyed by a grade in one class. Apparently, the teacher and I do not see eye to eye with my paper. Oh well, its one class out of five. I have been lucky to be in two very small classes, one with 4 students and the other with 5. Of course, both classes are focused on obscure topics; Ukrainian Literature and Film, and Ukrainian Short Story. I am still dead set on getting an Eastern European major, and a Native studies minor. Something new is that I plan on doing a semester exchange to Australia (to get more minor credits) but do a three week summer session in St. Petersburg. This would allow me to travel more while in school and both programs allow me to work toward my major and minor. With the way things are going, I should be able to graduate a semester early.
I am very ready to go home. When I was at home for spring break, I was able to ride my bike a couple of times. I have forgotten how enjoyable it is. I cannot wait to travel the city by bike and explore parts that I haven't seen much of, like SE and maybe N. And there is a boyfriend that I have been missing very much. I will be home soon at least! The current plan is for me to arrive home on April 14th, just about a month away. Its hard to believe that I am almost done with my first year of college already.
This summer is going to be a busy one. I am going to be working at the same place that my mom does for catering. I worked a bit there last summer and really enjoyed it. The boss has asked my mom often about when I can get back and work. The mansion where the catering is hosted has been under some major construction which is unfinished and I think that there is some panicking going on since there is a wedding planned there on May 1st and there is so much to do to get the mansion ready. At least I can expect to be working lots of hours....
I am also going to be doing as much babysitting as I can. So parents out there, send your kids my way. I may also pick up a part time job at a coffee shop or something (standard summer job of teens) but that depends on how much available time I have. I don't want to spend my entire summer working; just most of it.
One thing I do plan on doing is playing rugby! I played a bit for the team that gave me my college scholarship last summer, and I plan to return to playing for them as soooooon as I get home. This past semester there has been a distinct lack of exercise. Oops. So even if my mother will not be completely pleased about it, I am looking forward to it.
Another nice thing about this summer is that my Welsh aunt and uncle + cousins are coming for a visit this summer! Last summer I was able to write about my adventures while staying at their house, and now it will be nice to see them after having spent so long in their company. I am so glad I did that trip last summer (and if you are not aware of what I am talking about, check out the first like 30 blog posts) because it let me really connect with some family that I never really go to spend much time with. They do their best to visit every other year, but its hard to get to know people when you only see them for three weeks every couple of years. Hopefully I can do a repeat visit. I have a feeling that that is going to have to wait a while though.
Well, I will see most of you guys soon. If not, I should remember to post every once in a while to let y'all know about my not so exciting adventures.
Oh, and I got to go to my friends house and farm again. Here are some pictures of the horses at play in winter.

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