Grade wise, I am getting mostly A's and B's/B pluses. No A pluses, but that's what I will aim for next semester. I am done with all of my papers, and I have one assignment due on Tuesday, and then there are finals! I have three finals, as two of my classes are full year. While my finals are nicely spread apart, they do end late. I have one on the 14th, one on the 17th, and my last on the 22nd. I am lucky that I am not in any sciences or maths, so that there is not much to study/memorize. I think my finals should go pretty well. In one class, its worth 50% of my grade.
I went back to Minnedosa two weekends ago and had a lot of fun. Lots more time with horses and cows!
I am really going to miss all of my friends that are exchange students. There is a group of twenty, maybe more, that I hang out with, eat dinner with, and so on. There are a couple of people in that group that I hang out with a lot, watch movies with, have girl time with. Since all but three people are leaving after this semester, I am going to be at a loss at who to hang out with or go out with. For some reasons, I really get along with exchange students. Same thing happened in high school. This is why I someday plan on going to Sweden someday and staying with all of my Swedish friends.
I am really looking forward to my classes next semester. At the end of this year, I will have 21 credits going directly towards my major. Classes for next semester: Russian, Ukrainian Short Story, Ukrainian Literature and Film, History of the Byzantine Empire and the Slavic World, and Sociology.
Hopefully I will begin updating more frequently. Hopefully. I do plan on posting about the trip to Guatemala when I come back.
Some Photos-